jueves, 18 de agosto de 2016

Allah is not fixing this!

Perhaps hoping to stir up the same wave of worldwide compassion that the images of drowned Syrian boy Aylan Kurdi awakened everywhere, which in turn helped in the opening of the doors of Europe -mainly Germany- to a massive influx of refugees from the Middle East, the news media have now given priority to the video images coming from Aleppo of a stunned and weary looking five-year-old boy who goes by the name of Omran Daqneesh, sitting in an orange chair inside an ambulance covered in dust and with blood on his face, encapsulating the horrors inflicted on the conflict-hit northern city and is being widely shared on social media. Doctor Osama Abu al-Ezz confirmed the boy was brought to the hospital known as “M10” on Wednesday night following an air strike on the rebel-held district of Qaterji with head wounds, but no brain injury, and was later discharged. His older 10-year-old brother Ali Daqneesh suffered from internal bleeding and organ damage after Wednesday's airstrike in the city of Aleppo and could not be saved.

Yes, the images of little Omran are strikingly sad and even brutal. But what would the news media around the globe have the nations do in this case?

Unfortunately, there is a huge difference between the actions that could be taken in the case of the drowned little boy Aylan Kurdi such as opening the doors in Europe and other parts of the world to a massive influx of Syrian refugees, and the injured little boy of Aleppo. In the first case, the image of Aylan Kurdi showed the plight of those trying to flee from the war in Syria and who have already left Syria on their way to Europe. In the second case, the video images of the injured Syrian boy called Omar shows the plight of those who are still trapped inside Syria with no way out. The only way to help the latter is through the armed intervention of something like an international task force, putting “boots on the ground” perhaps under a UN mandate. And herein lies the problem. Doing this kind of armed intervention cannot be without risking a lot of casualties and pouring an enormous amount of money which may end up being a waste of money.

The events taking place in Syria are the result of a civil war. It is a fact confirmed time and again by the history books that military intervention in the civil wars of other countries is a recipe for disaster for the intervening country. This is precisely what happened to the USA, a nation that was left scarred with the Vietnam syndrome. The Vietnam war was a civil war that had to be fought and resolved by the Vietnamese themselves. The US government, immersed in the geopolitics of the Cold War, didn’t comprehend this simple fact until it was too late. In the end, the USA lost that war in a humiliating defeat, lost the lives of nearly fifty thousands young men, and its involvement in that civil war sunk the US economy into a severe economic recession that ended forever the good old times of the seventies. So what did the USA get for all its troubles with its involvement in the Vietnam conflict? Nothing worth showing off. And the Soviets had the same bad experience with their involvement in Afghanistan, another civil war. Their fight in Afghanistan sunk the treasury of the Soviet Union into depths they never imagined, and left them with a very bad experience the Russians now do not want to repeat. Not even with Russia propping up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is there any willingness to put  “Russian boots on the Syrian ground”. They learned their lesson well, mainly because these lessons are usually very hard to digest. This the reason why president Obama has refused to answer the pleas of help coming from the Syrian doctors in the sense of refusing to send US ground troops to Syria. One Vietnam was more than enough for the American psyche and is still deeply ingrained in the memories of many Americans.

On the other hand, even if there is a country dumb enough to commit ground troops and a lot of military resources and cash on its own for an intervention in Syria to stop tragedies like the one we see in little boy Omran Daqneesh, with a mission objective such as deposing the Syrian dictator Basha al-Assad, the chaos in Syria is such that removal of this man from power may actually do more harm than good, making things far worse. Such was the experience of the Iraq war. Saddam Hussein was a ruthless dictator, hated by many of his people. Countless acts of brutality are attributed to him. Yet, he had the iron fist required to keep things in Iraq from unraveling into utter chaos. When he was taken out by the US military intervention (no civil war in Iraq at the time), there was no one to take his place. And things in Iraq got much worse. Where there was no civil war, there is one now still being fought. Many of the Iraqis who fought alongside the US ground forces to overthrow Saddam Hussein are now more than sorry for having him gone, and have stated that if they could they would bring him back from the very furnaces of Hell in order to restore the country to what it was before the downfall of Saddam.

Yes, Bashar al-Assad is a brutal dictator who is freely murdering his own people, who is brutally bombing and gassing and executing men, women and children of all ages like little Omran. But if he is removed from power, who will take his place? There is already a willing candidate in Syria. It is ISIS, the Islamic State, the Islamic State, precisely the Jihadist organization responsible for carrying out the worst atrocities mankind has ever known since the start of the XXI century. If the USA or France or Great Britain or even a coalition of some of these countries carry out a major invasion into Syria in order to depose Bashar al-Assad, ISIS will be more than glad to give a helping hand, and after that there would be a reign of terror in Syria such as the world has never known in this millennium. Syria would become the launching platform of what could very would be Armageddon.

Therefore, going into Syria to save little boys such as Omran Daqneesh is out of the question. They will just have to tough it out, including little Omran unless some family outside Syria is willing to adopt him and give him shelter. Syrians will have to resolve their civil war by themselves, they cannot expect the arrival of other nations to help them fight out their civil war to the point of deposing Bashar al-Assad with the risk of making things far far worse.

And Allah. What about Allah? Where is Allah? Where has he been in this the time of need of little Muslim children like Omar? Where has he been while small Muslim children are being turned into suicide terrorists and assasins? Forget about Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Hinduists for a moment as well as members of other faiths and religions; if the will of Allah is one of peace and love and brotherhood between all Muslims, where is his will? Who or what is keeping Muslims from killing and maiming and torturing and beheading and crucifying and burning alive other Muslims? Why has Allah not intervened directly in any way worthy of mention to stop all the carnage taking place between Muslims in his name?

Muslims are dying all over the world fighting his holy wars, turning many regions of planet Earth into a living nightmare. And yet by the looks of it, Allah didn’t move a finger when little Omran Daqneesh was bombed in his home while watching his brother die. Nor does Allah appear to be doing anything to help many Muslims in their plight. He is not stopping the carnages taking place on his behalf in Syria and Pakistan. He is not stopping Muslims from killing and beheading and torturing and burning alive other Muslims. Forget about other religions and focus solely on the pain and agonies inflicted by Muslims upon other Muslims. Well, for the looks of it, Allah appears to remain wholly indifferent to their suffering. He doesn’t seem to be answering their prayers. Indeed, it is as if Allah had forgotten Muslims everywhere they may be on this planet.

The New York Daily News cover of December 3, 2015, mocks the prayers of thee Republican presidential candidates and House Speaker Paul Ryan for the victims of the massacre in San Bernardino. “God isn’t fixing this” the cover blares, with the subhead: “As latest batch of innocent Americans are left lying in pools of blood, cowards who could truly end gun scourge continue to hide behind meaningless platitudes.”

Well, the same thing could be said in the Muslim world. For all the willingness of jihadist Muslims to murder tens or hundreds or even thousands or people they don’t even know or whom they have never met, for all their Sharia laws and customs, for all the cruel beheadings they have carried out, all in the name of Allah, it is more than obvious that Allah is not doing anything to stop the carnage in Syria, nor in Pakistan, nor in Somalia, nor in Iraq, nor in many other Muslim countries, almost as if all of the Muslims living in those countries filled with followers of Islam had been abandoned to their dreary fate.

Just like in the Christian faith, in Islam there is a Paradise (Jannah) where the faithful go, and there is very uncomfortable place for all eternity called Jahannam (Hell). In countries such as Pakistan, Syria, Somalia and Afghanistan, with all the jihadist terrorism going on, with all the barbaric acts of radical Muslims bombing and beheading and burning alive and killing other Muslims -including children- they don’t even known, those Muslims countries can be called Hell on Earth. If not all Muslims living in those countries will go to Paradise, going instead to Hell, then it stands to reason that when they die -perhaps at the hands of another Muslim- they will simply be exchanging one Hell for another, they would be going from Hell to Hell. And in such a case, what is the whole point of being a Muslim? What do they get in return for all their efforts in trying to please Allah with crimes they believe will please Allah? Wouldn’t they’d be better off simply renouncing religion altogether, renouncing Islam, renouncing Shariah, renouncing the Quran, and just living like ordinary atheists like those in the Iceland society which could be on the verge of becoming the very first atheist nation on the planet? That way, even if they don’t go to a Muslim Paradise -of which no Muslim has even the slightest inkling of what it’s all about-, at the very least they wouldn’t be forced to undergo Hell on Earth. With no religion to die for, there would be no reason whatsoever to kill anyone, there would be no reason to conduct acts of terrorism, there would be no reason to commit suicide while carrying out acts of terrorism, there would be no reason to behead others, there would be no reason to make war against others solely on the basis of religious beliefs. And oddly enough, if former Muslims don’t murder anyone, if they don’t burn alive anybody else, if they don’t behead anyone, if they learn to live in a civilized manner with respect to their fellow beings devoting themselves to carry out pious acts of mercy and charity, they might stand a much better chance of going to Paradise than they do right now by committing heinous crimes against humanity.

If Muslims derive all their hatred against infidels from the Quran, it is very likely that by giving up the Quran altogether they would have no reasons to hate anybody else, and then they could be like brothers to the rest of mankind instead of being its murderers. And oddly enough, it is precisely this kind of behavior that according to many religions ensures just men and women entry into Paradise.

The case of the little Syrian boy underscores and exemplifies a truth that has been repeated all to often and which just doesn’t seem to sink into the heads of crazed jihadist terrorists and Muslim radicals: in the third millennium, people are dying (quite literally) over old literature. And for as long as they keep refusing to accept this simple truth, the odds are that we will be seeing more little boys like Omran Daqneesh in the near future and even perhaps in the distant future, and we will not be able to do anything about it.

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