In a speech announcing his presidential campaign, Donald Trump clearly stated on June 26th 2015 his following conviction about Mexicans:
When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems… they’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.Following up on the above statement, and further down the road, Trump repeatedly stated on many occasions his full intentions of deporting every single illegal immigrant. As if this was not enough, he also stated that he would push to end the constitutionally protected citizenship rights of children of any family living illegally inside the US, thus deporting children of illegal immigrants even if they are US citizens after having been born in the USA. He has even set a time limit of two years in order to carry out the deportations he intends to carry out. In all of these things he would require at least the support if not the approval of Congress. But this past November 8th, the American people gave him a Republican majority in both houses of Congress, so this will not be a problem.
Donald Trump has already stated that, for the time being, as his first priority he plans to deport up to three millions immigrants arguing that those are all criminals that have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, “a lot of these people—probably two million, it could be even three million—we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate”, which means that for an undocumented population estimated to be around 11 million, about one out of every three undocumented immigrants now in the USA is a criminal. How would any American feel if, when going to some part of Europe or Asia, the leader of the country he is visiting had stated that one out of every three American citizens is a criminal?
Deporting so many people in such a short time is a gargantuan task, unprecedented in the entire history of the United States. It can only be compared with the mass deportations carried out by Germany in the past century. And in order to meet the two years deadline Donald Trump has set for himself, there may be no other way to keep his main promise to those who voted for him than to take the original idea that was set forth by Germany in the previous century, and start doing the same kind of thing, for there may be no better way of mobilizing such vast numbers of people. Transporting all 11 million undocumented immigrants by plane to their places of origin is certainly beyond the capabilities of the US treasury, even with the approval of a docile Republican Congress that will not dare to stand in the way of the main promise made by Mister Trump, a promise that must be kept for it is in the keeping of this promise that the Republicans may aspire to retain control of both houses of Congress in the next elections. So, in order to go forth, the US federal government, i.e. Mister Donald Trump, or more formally president elect Donald Trump, should review these mementos from the past in order to closely follow and reproduce the precedent that was set out for him in the past century:
There are other important collateral issues that will have to be addressed even before the Trump program of mass deportations is carried out. Among them are the following:
- Entire elimination of all sanctuary cities in the USA. We all know what sanctuary cities are and what they stand for. Donald Trump has already vowed to dismantle them as president. Texas governor Greg Abbott, a well-known hard liner, has taken a lead on this issue and has decided to set an example, by vowing to ban sanctuary cities in Texas. He announced it late night Sunday November 27th 2016 on his Twitter account. While Donald Trump as president can cut all federal funds to US cities that in the past have chosen to become sanctuary cities such as New York City, San Francisco, Denver, Miami, and Los Angeles, at the state level the governors can follow suit and likewise cut all funding and terminate all state-funded programs to cities that are currently sanctuary cities, changing whatever needs to be changed, even changing the US Constitution if need be using the majority that the Republican party has in both houses of Congress. The objective is to force all local and state policemen as well as all federal employees and state employees to fully cooperate with federal officials on immigration issues. Any US city that refuses to comply is to be punished economically as harshly as it possibly can, even resorting to penalties of imprisonment of its public officials and subjected to economic duress, until its inhabitants agree to give up their status as sanctuary city. With sanctuary cities becoming a thing of the past in the entire USA, it will be far easier to inspire fear and even terror on the hearts and minds of all undocumented immigrants, giving them an incentive to leave the USA forever on their own with all of their families.
- A toll free phone number. Used to help willing non-paid informants in collaborating with the federal government with the identification and capture of people suspected of being undocumented aliens. In order to expedite the otherwise insurmountable task of finding every undocumented alien now living in the USA, the implementation of a toll-free federal phone number available and operating 24 hours a day is to be expected where every conscientious and loyal American citizen (loyal to the Trump administration and its promise to deport all undocumented aliens, that is) can report any sighting or suspicion of anybody believed to be an undocumented immigrant. An economic rewards program for every undocumented immigrant so identified can act as a powerful incentive, with the potential of turning the entire USA into a nation of informants of the federal government, collaborating with the newly elected president and helping him keep his promises.
- National identity card. To fully ensure that only those living in the USA are the ones allowed by federal law to live and work in the USA, a National Identity Card such as those already used in Europe needs to be enacted into law, and every US citizen or legal resident would be expected to carry with him/her this identification at all times, with stiff penalties imposed upon all those who refuse to do so. A further means of discouraging all illegal aliens from staying in the USA while they are being hunted down is to make it impossible for any of them to buy or sell anything in the USA by requiring all US citizens and all legal US residents to use their federal government issued National Identity Card for any transaction that they may wish to carry out, and to make it simple all of their biometric information can be imprinted on a microchip that in turn can be implanted and carried permanently somewhere such as their right hand or their foreheads, in such a way that no US citizen nor legal US resident will have to carry with him his National Identity Card or risk losing it. The objective here is that no US citizen nor legal US resident might buy or sell, except those that carry the implanted microchip on them in their right hand or their forehead. The technology exists right now to do it, and with the support of a Republican controlled Congress the Republican president soon to be in office can get these things accomplished if he so chooses, just as he has accomplished everything else he has set his mind to do. Germany in the forties was not able to do it because it lacked not the will but the technology to do it, but America in the third millennium is in a position to do what the Germans of that bygone era were unable to do. It is all a matter of deciding to do it, in order to rid America once and for all of any trace of undocumented aliens.
- An identification badge to be worn by all undocumented aliens. In order to make very hard any attempt at escaping while being hauled into a train box, those already identified as undesirables could and should be required by law, with stiff penalties and imprisonment to those who disobey and refuse to do so, to wear on their clothes some easy means of identification, some kind of badge depicting a symbol like a Mexican flag or the colors of the Mexican flag, a cloth patch to be paid for in full and sewn onto the outer garments by the undocumented aliens themselves, such as the one that follows:
- Regarding the issue of immigration detention, hub internment camps (use of the word concentration is to be strictly forbidden and avoided by all employees of the federal government!) to receive and process all those undocumented aliens previously hauled into train boxes will of course be an absolute necessity, that goes without saying, this in order to expedite and optimize the processing of millions of undocumented aliens that are to be thrown out of the USA, and thus meet the two years time limit that has been set as an absolute goal by the incoming president. These internment camp hubs can be built at no cost to the American taxpayer by using the undocumented aliens themselves as forced labor as part of their punishment for breaking the US immigration laws. The USA Office of Homeland Security internment camps for undocumented aliens can be modelled using already existing detention facilities, with the added bonus that their imprisonment conditions can be considered part of a well deserved punishment without the need of trials by jury or the sentence of any judge, as is being done right now at this very moment inside the USA dispensing with the cumbersome and expensive due process of law. If a harsher punishment is expected and desired, the internment camps can be modelled using as a guide the military style barracks that were erected at such places as Ravensbrück, Flossenbürg, Sobibor, Bergen-Belsen and Dachau following the example that was set in Europe in the early forties. All this can be done while proclaiming at the same time (why not?) that the United States of America has always been and still is the greatest nation on this planet, a shining example to be followed by the rest of the world.
- Avoid leaving any incriminating evidence behind. It stands to reason, learning from the past, that in order to avoid ending up in the wrong side of the history books, special precautions will have to be taken in the detention of undocumented kids, little girls and boys who were brought into the USA illegally by their parents, and if any such kid is found to have been writing up a diary describing his or her daily life while hiding in an ever more hostile environment, such testimonial is to be confiscated by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents for the immediate destruction of any such testimonial.
The deportees can be hauled into the train boxes by US Border Patrol agents loyal to the US federal government and to the US president Donald Trump, or better still by elite soldiers of the US Marine Corps. The US Border Patrol agents right now are in no position to complain about the nature of the enormous job they will be asked to do and the way they will be expected to do it, considering that the National Border Patrol Council chose to endorse the candidacy of Donald Trump. This is precisely what they wanted, and this is exactly what they will be getting. It is now only a matter of time before the mass deportations we’re are talking about will become full reality. Gosh, isn’t this a great time in history to be an American citizen, to be proud of being an American citizen? Since many of those undocumented immigrants will no doubt offer stiff resistance when they are rounded up to be separated from their families and US relatives, just like it happened in Germany in the previous century, a new US Border Patrol will be required, armed with military type weaponry such as AK-47 assault rifles and Uzi submachine guns. These agents, expected to have no mercy, will also need full backup and support from the US president when given the orders of shoot to kill anybody who opposes deportation, but such backup and support from the US presidency is already assured coming January 20, 2017. Here is a preview offered by the current status quo:
The American people should not complain when they witness these things as they begin to happen all over the USA and not just along the US-Mexico border. Everybody knew what Donald Trump stood for when he was running for office. He hid nothing. No surprises here. So when things begin to unravel, it must be kept in mind that this was the decision of the American electorate, based on the political platform and ideology of Mister Trump. Those who voted for him with the idea in mind that he was just kidding in order to attract more votes will have to brace themselves for the cold reality that he was not kidding, he was not bluffing. And accept the fact that right now, he is unstoppable. Pretty much like the Antichrist that was predicted two thousand years ago in the Scriptures for the end of times. Isn’t this a great time to be alive, to be able to witness events that were not even foreseen much less anticipated just a decade ago?
The same European country that set the standard on how to deport millions of people as fast as possible also set a precedent and example on how to build an impenetrable wall such as the Trump wall that president elect Donald Trump plans to build in order to divide and separate Mexico and the USA forever. The incoming president of the USA can take such wall as a reference, and even though that wall no longer exists as such and no longer divides two people as it used to, there are plenty of photographic mementos of its glory days which can serve as an inspiration for the wall that Rudy Giuliani has already made it clear will be built even without the approval of a Republican dominated Congress (perhaps Rudy Giuliani was just kidding, why would a Republican controlled Congress deny a Republican president all his whims and wishes?):
The next photograph is about a strip lane called the Berlin wall deathstrip. They didn't call it deathstrip for nothing (sorry, but no corpses will be shown, as a token of respect for the dead during this holiday season):
In order to be really successful, in order to accomplish its purpose, following the German example the Trump wall will most likely need watchtowers every 200 meters or so, with armed guards posted at the top 24 hours a day and with standing orders of shoot to kill everyone who tries to escalate the Trump wall (notice that the field at the left of the first photo is a cemetery):
There is, of course, the issue of that uncomfortable little episode in history (uncomfortable at least to Messr. Donald Trump) when President Ronald Reagan, who by the way happened to be a Republican, went in person and standing in front of such a wall proclaimed his famous “Tear down this wall!” speech, a challenge made to USSR president Mikhail Gorbachev, a request which by the way was satisfactorily addressed and met and for which the USSR received absolutely nothing in return from America. This faux pas can be corrected and revised in the history books by a presidential executive order issued from the Trump Oval Office, declaring that such an historical episode was the direct consequence of the Alzheimer disease that ended up claiming the life of President Reagan, proving that at the time Ronald Reagan was mentally incompetent to lead the USA, unlike Donald Trump is today.
The blueprint for the wall as was originally intended is as follows, and since it has no copyrights, Donald Trump as acting president can order it used as a model for the Trump Wall that is almost certain to land him in the world history books:
If we study the above sketch closely, it can be seen that the wall is actually made up of two walls, and the space in between is what could be called a No man’s land, or alternately “enter at your own risk”. This was exactly the original plan for erecting that wall in Eastern Europe, although constraints in the budget imposed a limit on how far the original plan could go. Atop each of the watchtowers manned by US soldiers (or even better, guards recruited from the growing list of US policemen who have managed to kill unarmed blacks of all ages and have been cleared of any wrongdoing by grand juries composed mostly of white men) a US flag can be raised, and just below the US flag yet another flag can be added, resembling the Jolly Roger. On the side of the wall facing Mexico, warning messages can be posted in both English and Spanish with legends such as “You are not welcome”, “Go back before it is too late”, or “Abandon hope all ye who enter here”, this in order to scare off the would-be invaders of US soil. How about a composite like this one inspired in a recent issue of The New Yorker magazine?:
This is, after all, precisely what the American people voted for when they chose Mr. Trump to be the 45th president of the USA, so all this should not come as a shock when it happens as it starts to happen. Quoting president Barack Obama himself, the people have spoken. It is precisely the kind of thing that garnered many white voters and certainly many white supremacists behind and around Donald Trump. It is their dream come true. So every citizen in America must be prepared to witness in the daily news images such as those shown above. In their times, the Germans got used to such images, and accepted them as part of the way the German government carried out its business of governing the country. And most certainly, the American electorate cannot argue the silly argument “the Devil made me do it” if all this backfires on America. Satan may very well have done his part, he is after all the one who rules this world behind the curtains, but he never forces anyone to do anything against his/her will, he acts by persuasion only, but he never forced anyone who went out to vote ordering to him/her to vote against his will; every single voter in the USA chose freely using the free will that was given to him by the Lord himself, and not even Satan can take away the power of choosing between right and wrong given to him by his Creator. So, no complains, please! And get ready y’all, for the best is yet to come. Let the mass deportations begin, with a lot of jobs creation in the USA in order to fill up the vacancies left by those millions of undocumented aliens who will be thrown out during the Trump presidency, Eleven million new jobs to be created in the USA in just two years time, if everything goes as planned.
The following is a direct quotation of a statement made February 23 this current year 2017 by President Donald Trump in a meeting with business leaders at the White House:
ResponderBorrar"We're getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody's ever seen before. And they're the bad ones. And it's a military operation."
We just need to underline the words MILITARY OPERATION in the above quotation, describing the administration's moves to deport undocumented immigrants as a "military operation." There can be no mistake in the wording. It reflects precisely what Trump meant. When he said such thing he was not talking as a presidential candidate, he was already talking as the President of the United States of America. So America has finally come to this. No further comments needed here.