sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2016

The Grinch Who Stole Mexicans’ Nochebuena

This is the image of the nasty foul mouthed bully known in Mexico as the grumpy Drumpfy Grinch, practitioner of the lean and mean style of management (hire and fire but preferably fire, trim the fat by firing even more, and keep on firing until there’s no one else left to fire), who stole Mexicans’ Nochebuena:


And this is a joyful posada party in Mexico where Mexican senators of the PRD party are happily trumping and beating the sh.. out of the foul mouthed nasty Drumpfy Grinch piñata that represents that empresario with a heart as cold as steel who stole their Nochebuena (it is said that when the piñata broke into pieces, instead of the little bags containing candy, tangerines, peanuts and sugar coated raisins as is usual with every colación coming out down to the floor, the little bags contained nothing but foul smelling sh..; and it is said that when the party organizers were asked why the switch in the ages old tradition, their reply was unanimous and immediate: “¿What else did you expect? Everybody knows that this Grincho is full of sh..”). All attendees of the Christmas party were obviously having a ball. Actually, two balls (any resemblance to Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto of the man at the right of the piñata photo standing up and clapping his hands  is purely coincidental):

And this is a Latino super-hero (it is said that Superman calls him for help in times of trouble) drawing a line in the sand and inviting the Drumpfy Grinch, before he becomes president, to have a man-to-man personal encounter with him, hombre a hombre, no goons nor members of the US Secret Service allowed in the macho face-off, this in order to square off their differences, with free admission to everyone of course, including the kids (permission given here to SNL to use parts of this documentary story during the Holidays, giving due respect and compliments to the Drumpfy Grinch for making it possible):

Hey, Señor Grinch! I’m talking to you! Yes, YOU!!!!!
Caramba! Come here, you grumpy Drumpfy Grinch!
Are you listening, Grincho? I’m right here waiting for you.
You are not chickening out on me, are you?
And please, don’t pee in your pants while you stand
in front of me. Your wife and ex wives could be watching.

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