jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

NYC stabbed by its most famous denizen

On Wednesday January 24th 2017, and via an executive order issued by the (illegitimate?) President of the United States of America, New York City ceased to be considered by the federal government as a sanctuary city for its tens of thousands undocumented immigrants who fuel the NYC economy. It stands out very prominently that NYC was stabbed in the back by a man whose center of operations as a businessman is precisely New York City and who was born in New York  City.

Donald Trump is going to end up frying New York City one way or the other; it is irrelevant what New Yorkers do or how they try to respond. There are only two possible courses (you might as well call them curses) of action: either abide by the executive order issued by Donald Trump and give up the status of being a sanctuary city, or resist the federal onslaught coming from Washington which from this point on can be considered an enemy of NYC.

In order for the executive order issued by President Trump yesterday to be effective in its intimidation of New Yorkers, federal funds to NYC cannot be cut by a mere one or two per cent, which would hurt somewhat but which would not cripple NYC. All federal funding must be cut by a full 100 per cent. That would really create some pain, and the hope of President Trump is that enough economic pain can be inflicted upon New Yorkers to force NYC to come to grips with its new reality and give up its status as a sanctuary city for undocumented immigrants, yielding to the power of a big stick being wielded by the American Caligula.

There is one major problem, though, in giving President Trump what he wants. If a massive roundup of undocumented immigrants begins in just a matter of days (and all indications are that the mass deportations are set to begin at any moment), New York City stands to lose overnight the important economic contributions that its undocumented immigrants represent. In the case of NYC, one thing that is almost certain to stand out is the fact that the claim of many immigrant hate groups that all of the undocumented aliens are Mexicans is a myth. NYC has distinguished itself by being a multi-cultural multi-ethnic society whose immigrants from all over the world, legal or undocumented, have made important contributions. There are many undocumented Irish living in the USA, especially in NYC, with an estimated 50,000 thousand. There are also many undocumented immigrants from Europe besides Ireland who are bracing anxiously at the thought of being entrapped by US marshalls and being deported together with their families back to Europe. Take Poland, for example. It is not well known that the Trump Tower was built by undocumented polish immigrants whom Trump abused. And in all likelihood Trump knew it all along before he became President! There are also undocumented immigrants from places as far away as Australia, New Zealand, even Russia! It is a baffling mystery of life that some small groups of immigrants gave their support to Donald Trump precisely in NYC. Where are they now that President Trump is coming out against all immigrants from all over the world who have contributed to the rich diversity of NYC?

Many of the undocumented immigrants in NYC from all over the world are living together with their families. They pay taxes. Some of them provide jobs. They help the Big Apple in keeping it alive with a rich diversity of contributions. It stands to reason that if Trump whose home city is New York itself gets his way, every single undocumented immigrant or families of undocumented immigrants will be deported back to wherever they came from, and in so doing it will most certainly deprive NYC from the cash flows those people represent. Although there are no exact figures on the economic damage that would be levied on NYC if it loses all of its undocumented workers of all nationalities to the whims and wishes of its former and most famous denizen, some estimates substantiate the belief that the damage that can be expected will be enormous. The permanent loss of all that labor force is likely to be a painful experience for NYC if it ever comes to pass, with no easy solutions or replacements in sight. In other parts of the country, especially in the agricultural industry, some have tried to replace the loss of undocumented workers after deportation roundups with labor provided by prison inmates, but that approach has failed so miserably that it is no longer considered as a viable option, certainly not a viable option for a city such as New York. It is no wonder that the Mayor of NYC, Bill de Blasio, has ruled out the possibility of joining President Trump in his aggressive nazi-style deportation roundups by refusing to let NYC give up its status as a sanctuary city, and he is not alone in taking this position. Other Mayors have also concluded that, although giving up the income that all the federal programs represent may sound like a crazy idea, losing overnight all of the undocumented labor force that their cities need to keep their cities operational and functioning is even crazier.

NYC is not the only city that is being threatened by a total cut of federal funds in case it refuses to give up its status as a sanctuary cities. There are other cities as well such as San Francisco and Los Angeles that are in the cross hairs of the lunatic-turned politician-turned President Donald Trump. But the case of NYC is very special not just because NYC depends quite a bit on its undocumented workers to sustain its economic well being, but also because it has been the hometown of the same man who now threatens to strangle precisely the very city in which he was born, showing a lack of respect and gratitude for his hometown. But then, what else can be expected from a man without a soul who is guided not by a steady bright man but by his primeval impulses?

As for all those who wish to see a permanent solution to the anguishing dilemma posed against NYC by its most famous denizen, indeed there was a solution. But that solution was in the hands of the people for just one day, on November 8th, 2016, the day the presidential elections were held. Sadly, that day has come and gone. There is no way out now, except for the solution destiny itself may provide. For the time being, New  Yorkers should brace themselves for what will most likely be hard times, and not just NYC but the entire country and even the entire world. Such is the impact that can be expected in the coming months and in the coming years, for what will be at a minimum four painful years from a self-appointed Messiah who is already wreaking havoc and running amok, drunk with the poison of absolute power, just as was anticipated here in this blog nearly ten months ago.

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