sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

They all entered legally

Two weeks after the carnage took place, the United States remains in shock, reeling from the massacres carried out in Chattanooga, Tennessee, by a crazed lone Muslim terrorist (whose photo is shown above) who went by the name of Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, who left 5 men shot dead including four Marines at the Tennessee Military Recruiting Centers. Immediately after the massacres, the FBI announced that it had begun to investigate the reasons behind the attacks. But here we can apply once more the classic critique of how stupid can you get? With a name such as Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, used by a person coming from a Muslim family that came to the USA from the Middle East, how is it possible that the FBI could not figure out from the very outset the motives behind the attack?

In the wake of the Chattanooga massacres, cries throughout the mainland for stricter border security grew louder (an implied reference to the border with Mexico, not the border with Canada), and presidential candidate Donald Trump climbed to the very top of the polls by advocating the construction of a Berlin wall-like fence between Mexico and the USA in order “to make the USA more secure”.

The radical Islam-inspired attacks came shortly after the sentencing of one of the evil Muslim brothers Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhojar Tsarnaev who carried out the Boston Marathon bombings, with similar outcries for making the USA-Mexico border more secure after the Muslim terrorist acts carried out in Boston. All this in spite of the fact that neither the despicable Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez nor the evil brothers Tsarnaev came from Mexico or from Latin America for that matter.

Making the USA more secure by tightening its border with Mexico is a recurring theme that gathers a lot of attention every time there is a terrorist act committed inside the USA by some crazed Muslims. The problem with the premise that securing the border with Mexico will reduce the threat posed by Muslim radicals such as Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez and the Tsarnaev brothers is that neither of them entered into the US territory by merely jumping the fence as undocumented immigrants. They all entered into the US legally with bona fide visas granted to them by some representatives of the US State Department, in every case visas stamped on their passports by smiling US consular officers who surely told them “you are authorized to enter into the USA and do as you please”. And they most certainly did as they pleased, no doubt about it. With the Tsarnaev brothers we have a case similar to the case of Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, for even if there had been a big wall between the US and Mexico such as the Great Wall of China or the one Donald Trump is now proposing, such a wall could not have prevented the Boston marathon bombings from taking place, for the Tsarnaev brothers did not enter into the US from Mexico as illegal aliens jumping the border fence. They both entered without a hitch with legal US visas issued to them by the US State Department, and they were welcomed into the USA with open arms.

Common sense suggests that, instead of wasting a good entry visa into the USA by giving it away to a Muslim like Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez who by his very beliefs has got to be considered as a major security threat, that visa should have been given to the Mexican nanny of an American housewife who has to go to work outside and has no one else to take care of her children. And we are not talking of giving the Mexican nanny a permanent resident green card, we are talking of just giving her a renewable temporary work visa, renewable on the condition of good behavior and keeping away from troubles with the law, a temporary work visa not valid for consideration for any kind of permanent residency. Same with the Tsarnaev brothers, ordinary common sense suggests that instead of wasting good entry visas into the USA by giving them to a couple of Muslim fiends coming precisely from a region in Russia where the Russians are having a lot of headaches with Muslim extremism, those visas should have been granted instead to two Mexican farm laborers toiling under a searing sun by doing hard work for which no Americans are available. And we are not talking of giving the two Mexican farm workers permanent resident green cards, just giving them both renewable temporary work visas, renewable on the condition of good behavior and keeping away from troubles with the law.

Going back a little bit further in time, we have a Muslim who was born in the USA but who descends from Muslim parents coming from Palestine who goes by the name of Nidal Malik Hasan, who in November 5th 2009 carried out cold blooded murders at Fort Hood. And so forth.

The fierce hatred towards undocumented immigrants coming into the USA from south of the border (not all of them are Mexicans!) has a very precise point of origin in the September 11 attacks that levelled the Twin Towers in New York City. Let’s review the names of the 19 Muslim assassins led by the evil Mohammed Atta who took part in the Al Qaeda plot carried out against US citizens in the US mainland (we’ll leave Wikipedia the task of providing their mug shots):

Mohammed Atta (the leader of the criminal Muslim gang of terrorists)

Abdulaziz al-Omari

Satam al-Suqami (a very well-chosen first name)

Wail al-Shehri

Waleed al-Shehri

Marwan al-Shehhi

Fayez Banihammad

Mohand al-Shehri

Hamza al-Ghamdi

Ahmed al-Ghamdi

Hani Hanjour

Khalid al-Mihdhar

Majed Moqed

Nawaf al-Hazmi

Salem al-Hazmi

Ziad Jarrah

Ahmed al-Haznawi

Ahmed al-Nami

Saeed al-Ghamdi
None of these despicable evil-doers (who to this date are still hailed as heroes in the Middle East and Muslim countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan) has a name such as Juan Valdez, Benito Juarez, Octavio Paz, Julio Cesar Chavez, Fidel Castro, or Lula da Silva. They all have very distinct Muslim names and Muslim family names, they all have the same evil streak in their ugly faces, and most important... they were all given legal entry into the USA by the US State Department itself! Not one of them, not a single one, entered into the USA by crossing illegally into the the USA through the US-Mexico border. Why should they, when the US-State Department grants them all legal entry into the US mainland with open arms while at the same time denying work visas to millions of Latins whose only intention is to work hard instead of killing people? If none of those 19 Muslims had been granted an entry visa by the US government, the original Twin Towers in New York City would still be standing up right now, and the lives of more than two thousand New Yorkers would have been spared. Again, this seems to be a question of how stupid can you get?

Ever since the Muslim attacks carried out on 9/11, many Americans have had a fixation on the immigration issue, demanding tighter and stricter border controls at the US-Mexico border. The only problem with this line of reasoning is that, even with a completely sealed border, the Muslim terrorist attacks that brought down the twin towers in New York city could not have been prevented. They all entered the United States of America legally through US airports, with bona fide visas stamped on their passports granted to them by the US State Department. Now, how on earth can Mexico and the rest of Latin American countries be held accountable for that?

Yet once again, ordinary common sense suggests that instead of wasting good entry visas into the USA by giving them to those 19 Muslims, those visas should have been granted to 19 Mexican construction workers. And we are not talking of giving 19 Mexican construction workers permanent resident green cards, we are talking here of just giving them renewable temporary work visas that can be revoked at any time.

When the Twin Towers in New York City came crashing down, there was a widespread echoed sentiment that went like this: “These dammed terrorists killed more than two thousand of our own and levelled the majestic Twin Towers. *%$##@&Y* terrorists. But we’ll teach them a lesson they will never forget. We’ll make our border with Mexico more secure, and we’ll end illegal immigration once and for all. *%$##@&Y*. The hideous attacks carried out on 9/11 will not be forgotten”. Hastily responding to such outcries of revenge and quick justice, the guest Border Crossing Card that used to be given free at the US border crossing stations as a courtesy of the US government to Mexicans living alongside of the border was replaced forever and ever with the so-called laser visa at a cost of 150 dollars per card, and each applicant had to undergo a tough screening process that took place at the US Consulates in Mexico with a thoroughness envied by the FBI, with many Mexican applicants being denied the laser visa under some of the most flimsy arguments imaginable, and not a single cent of the money paid by rejected applicants being reimbursed to those rejected applicants. It is extremely important to emphasize the fact that none of the laser visas required to enter into the USA from Mexico are any good for seeking any kind of employment or any kind of social benefit inside the USA, they are only good for a very limited temporary entry just to buy some goods at US stores or visit some friends or relatives or perhaps do a little bit of tourism here and there. Even then, with such restrictions imposed on the usage of laser visas, the requirements imposed upon Mexicans living alongside the US border got so tough that each laser visa applicant began to be treated as if he was a potential Muslim terrorist. In its drastic change of policies and reversal of policies of good neighborhood, the US State Department forgot one very simple fact: Islam is not practiced in Mexico, and the vast majorities of Mexicans (and Latin Americans for that matter) are practitioners of Catholicism or some form of Christian belief (Baptists, Protestants, Mormons, and so forth). The tough and stringent rules imposed on laser visas still remain, although they have been relaxed just a little bit not so much as a goodwill gesture to the neighbor at the South who happens to be the third largest trading partner of the USA but as a response to the irate reactions on the US side of the border by US merchants who began to lose many of their Mexican customers who all of the sudden were unable to go to cities like El Paso to do their shopping.

Was all the effort worth it? Did the spanking of Mexicans and the tightening of screws along the Mexican border forestall any of the terrorists attacks carried out after 9/11 by Muslims such as Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez and the Tsarnaev brothers and Nidal Malik Hasan? Most certainly it did not. It was a waste of time, besides being a blunder in diplomacy. (The other George W. Bush-led fiasco was, of course, the US invasion of Iraq, a terrible waste of blood and treasure to the tune of 2 trillion dollars that sank the US economy into the Big Recession that made Osama bin Laden very happy.) Yes, it feels very good to punish someone -anybody, that is the whole point behind the concept of the scapegoat- and vent out all of the anger to the outside on whoever happens to be useful as a punching bag. But unless punishment is applied upon the true culprits, the outpouring of revenge will be to no avail in preventing similar acts from taking place.

To date there is not a single Muslim terrorist that has ever been caught by the US Border Patrol on the border with Mexico, and the officers responsible for the apprehension of undocumented immigrants have already ruled this possibility as a very unlikely event. The only Muslim radical who will consider entering into the USA by crossing one of its borders is the one living in Canada, not in Mexico, and even then he will enter into the USA legally, for the rules for visiting the USA from Canada are much more generous and liberal than the rules of visiting the USA from Mexico. Ahmed Ressam, the Muslim terrorist who crossed the US border and was ready to wreak havoc by  bombing out the Los Angeles Airport on New Year’s Eve 1999 and who was caught in time almost by mere chance (besides the wits of a very smart Customs inspector Diana Dean) did not cross into the USA using the border with Mexico, he entered through the border with Canada, a highly insecure border which should always have been considered far more dangerous than the Mexican border regarding the threat posed by Muslim radicals. Why not require every Canadian, either Canadian-born or naturalized Canadian, a laser visa, just as it is being done with Mexicans? And, by the way, there are a hell of a lot more Muslims living along the Canadian-side of the US border with Canada, than Muslims living on the Mexican-side of the US border with Mexico, a fact that the vast majority of asinine US Congressmen have always chosen deliberately to ignore thus putting their countrymen in peril. It might be added here that immigrant-bashing Donald Trump is not advocating the building of a wall in the Canadian border. And for that matter, none of the Republican presidential candidates is advocating securing the border with Canada. Even the Federation for American Immigration Reform (F.A.I.R.) has never advocated after 9/11 any kind of measure to make the US border with Canada more secure (at least not to my knowledge). Yet again, how stupid can you get?

Time and again, when a Muslim or a group of Muslims carries out an attack in the US mainland, there is an angry reaction by many in the street and in Congress calling out for a more secure border with Mexico, as if that were the magical solution. This is the very core of reactions that entrepreneur Donald Trump is stirring. Yet many Americans fail to realize that Mexicans are not their problem, Muslim terrorists are, and the latter are still being given legal entry visas into the USA by the tens of thousands at this very moment, with the blessings of the US Congress.

Based on the experiences accumulated on the 14 years that have gone by since 9/11, instead of trying to put the blame on Mexicans for the acts of Muslim terrorism committed in the USA by the likes of people such as Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, the evil Tsarnaev brothers, Mohammed Atta and his 18 demented accomplices, the US State Department would do a great service to the USA by tightening its choke hold on immigration coming from countries where Islam is practiced, making it at least as hard as it is being done on the 11 million undocumented workers who are being denied a path to naturalization or at least towards some form of legalization of their stay in the USA. Notice that we are saying “countries where Islam is practiced” instead of saying “countries where Islam is the main religion”, this since countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia are the living proof that Islam is a very intolerant religion, and in such countries in the Middle East where Islam is practiced it can be safely stated that in those countries Islam is the only religion allowed by the established Muslim governments. Turkey might be an exception, but take in mind that Syria was also an exception until Muslim extremists from insane criminal groups such as ISIS bombed out all other faiths from the territories it now rules. Under such cauldron of intolerance, it may not be long before mildly tolerant countries such as Turkey succumb under some form of theocratic government with the Sharia law becoming the rule of the land and its tolerance towards other religions becomes a thing of the past.

At this very moment, it is in the very hands of the US government and the US Congress to decide whether any more Muslim immigrants will be accepted when the applicants come from countries such as Pakistan or Iran, or whether the immigration quotas from such countries is reduced all the way down to zero (are you listening Mr. John Kerry?, are you paying any attention?). No more Muslim immigrants, entry denied under all circumstances with no exceptions allowed. All of the Muslim terrorists that have entered into the USA to do great harm have done so with legal bona fide visas issued by the US State Department. It stands to reason that if none of them had been granted an entry visa, the acts they committed would have taken place at all. By these means of control, it is very likely that the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented from taking place. Just imagine a very disgruntled Mohammed Atta coming out of a US Embassy or Consulate with a “Visa Denied” sealed stamped on his passport by the US Consular officer who attended him.

Faced with such a possibility, the denial of any kind of entry visa to people with Muslim beliefs, the US federal government and the US Congress might reply: “The United States does not discriminate against anybody based on his or her personal beliefs”.

Is that so? Baloney!

Back in the days of the Cold War, in all of the application forms for legal entry into the USA it was stated very clearly in the back of the entry application forms that entry visas would be denied to anybody sympathizing with the communist ideology. And not only were entry visas denied, the US State Department also kept a very long blacklist of people identified as communists or even people merely suspected of being communist sympathizers (with the De facto death of Communism after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it is very likely that such blacklists are now obsolete). Under such restrictions, legal entry into the USA was denied to personalities as Nobel-prize winner Gabriel Garcia Marquez and renowned Mexican writer and novelist Carlos Fuentes (treated by the FBI as a communist subversive) because of their viewpoints against capitalism and imperialism. Men such as these where most certainly no terrorists, and it goes without saying that they had no intention of carrying out any kind of criminal terrorist act inside US territory, and their purpose for travelling into the USA was limited to their acceptance of invitations issued to them as guest lecturers by prominent universities. Yet, the doors into the USA were shut for them, even more tightly than if any of them had been Osama bin Laden. If the US State Department could do this against sympathizers of communism then, why not do the same thing to Muslims considered as a potential security risk now? The US-led crusade against Communism, now that Communism is a thing of the past except in isolated places such as North Korea, can be replaced with the new US-crusade against Muslim terrorism, as far as the granting of entry visas into the USA goes. It is just a matter of shutting the doors at the right places, instead of wasting time with its neighbor to the South.

If the US government could do so with Communism back in the fifties and the sixties all the way up to the nineties, it can do so again right now if it wants to regarding Islam and all of its branches. It is very simple indeed. All the US State Department has to do is to deny any kind of visa (permanent residency, tourist, student, you name it) to anybody proceeding from a Muslim country. Unless, perhaps, if the applicant is willing to put his hand over the Qu’ran and solemnly take a sacred oath invoking the name of Allah himself swearing that, while staying or living in the USA, he will never in his life do anything to cause bodily harm to any American citizen or resident, nor will he entice other Muslims to carry out criminal terrorist acts against anyone in the USA. The choice would be either that, or a “Visa Denied” seal stamped on the passport. The US State Department already has many proficient consular officers who have gained unequaled savvy in denying visas into the USA using a host or arguments, they are known as the “NO” people, especially to people living in countries such as Honduras and Guatemala. Why not use them in Muslim countries to do the same thing they are doing right now?

Sometime, in the not too distant future, there will be a major tragedy in the USA brought upon by Muslim radicals bent on wide scale destruction. It is not a matter of if but when. None of them will have entered illegally by crossing into the USA through the border with Mexico. They will all have entered into the US legally, with bona fide entry visas issued to them by some dumb US consular officer. There will be a lot of grief, a lot of sorrow, many tears will be shed. And, yes, there will be a renewed outcry for making the US border with Mexico more secure. Most Mexicans have already grown accustomed to this kind of reaction. It seems to be in the American psyche.

How stupid can one get?

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